简介:A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas. BBC 拍的一部电影《爱因..
A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas. BBC 拍的一部电影《爱因斯坦与爱丁顿》。 爱丁顿是爱因斯坦相对论的推广者。1919 年,他通过观测日全食时太阳附近星体的位置,证实了相对论。故事发生在德英两国互为敌视的历史背景中。
《爱因斯坦与爱丁顿》纪录片由大卫·田纳特安迪·瑟金斯丽贝卡·豪尔乔迪·梅帕特里克·肯尼迪 主演PhilipMartin 导演,在2008年英国上映播出!